Copyright 2024 by G P Manufacturing Group


Tooling Design & Fabrication
Metal Stamping

Tooling Design & Fabrication

We offer end-to-end tool design & fabrication services where our engineers and toolmakers utilise advanced technology and metalworking machinery to achieve high-quality tools that produce consistent result and quality. These tools are warranted for durable tool-life and are designed for easy maintenance.
From detail needs analysis & cost calculation to implementation of quality control checks at every stage of the tool fabrication process, we ensure 100% error-free tool design & fabrication services to facilitate faster turn-around time and precision end-products.
Tooling Design & Fabrication   Tooling Design & Fabrication
Tooling Design & Fabrication   Tooling Design & Fabrication
Tooling Design & Fabrication   Tooling Design & Fabrication
Tooling Design & Fabrication   Tooling Design & Fabrication
Tooling Design & Fabrication    

Metal Stamping

G P Manufacturing offers cutting-edge metal stamping services to produce a variety of customised high-quality metal parts in different shapes, sizes and volumes to cater for the various industries. We are fully equipped to produce quality components to fulfil the needs of advance technology manufacturers. Our metal stamping machinery ranged from:
  • Single and Progressive Stamping Machines (25 to 300 tonne)
  • High Speed Stamping Machines (60 to 100 tonne)
  • Reel to Reel Stamping Process
  • In-die Stamping Process
  • In-die Riveting Process
  • In-die Tapping Process
  • Multi-Form Machine
Metal Stamping   Metal Stamping
Metal Stamping   Metal Stamping
Metal Stamping   Metal Stamping


We offer sub-assembly services to pre-combine complex components for industrial and E&E applications as per customers’ specification. Our workforce and versatile sub-assembly facilities will help to reduce customers’ operating cost, eliminate risks, and securing a reliable supply chain of assembled components ready to enter the next stage of production - thus allowing customers to free some of their resources for better use.
Sub-Assembly   Sub-Assembly
Copyright 2024 by G P Manufacturing Group
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